Saturday, April 23, 2011

This is what I am up to...

Help me reach my goal for the Susan G. Komen San Diego 3-Day for the Cure!

I decided with all of this stuff going on in my life that I needed to make a fitness goal.  My goal is to be able to walk 60 miles in three days.  Please support me in my journey!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


If anyone was wondering, postsurgery all is well.  I had a little bit of pain the first two days, but I only took 5 pain pills total.  I'm a little tired, but otherwise wonderful.  Can't wait  to see the results.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Today is the Day!

Who knew... I woke up before the alarm.  Took the pills with not even a swallow of water.  I feel like the desert. Wish me blessings and luck!  Off to scrub me down!!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The day after tomorrow...

Just one day left until I get sleeved!!   Send me prayers, love and luck!  I love you all!

Monday, February 28, 2011


I guess this is a public love letter.  I would be remiss at this stage of my journey not to mention the sweet man who is the reason I care enough to do this for myself.  On March 26, 2006 I was sitting at Kate's Ice Cream in the South Coast with Shelley.  We were both waiting on blind dates.  Hers didn't make it, but I found myself looking into the most startling pair of chartreuse eyes I have ever seen in my life.  Shell says that she had to nudge me to remind me to start breathing again.  Little did I know that day that this man, my sweet Michael would be the kindest, most tenderhearted, wonderful man I have ever met in my life.  Before I go and make these drastic changes to our lives, I would like to thank him.  First for the courage to take the chance and at least attempt to have my back repaired.  Second for the love and support in bringing our son into this world. Third and most for the courage to believe that I am worth this surgery.  That I deserve to have the tools to help me become well again.  Thank you my beloved.  I know I am not the easiest woman to deal with, but I appreciate your love and compassion for me.  So, I guess I want to dedicate this song to my beloved.  I love you my dearest one.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Syntrax Nectar Roadside Lemonade and Unflavored

I had this one for breakfast this morning, just mixed in water it doesn't taste bad at all.  Actually, it was pretty good, kinda tasted like lemonade cool-aid if you made it with splenda. No nasty protein taste, and it was not sickly sweet. Plus an awesome bonus, if you give the company a call (18663337403)  They will send you a sampler pack of 13 individual single serve packets for $13. It is still artificial, which I wish it wasn't, but its not nasty.  No tummy troubles no nasty burps, so it was pretty good. So this one gets a 4 out of 5.  As for the unflavored, I think I prefer it to the IsoPure it has less of the whey protien taste and is easier to hide behind other flavors.  It was a really good base for my other shakes.  Try it mixed with a tablespoon of  agave nectar, a cup of almond milk and a handful of frozen berries.  Yummy! 4.5 out of 5 stars.  That's all for now.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Isopure Unflavored Whey Protein

This one is awesome.  No tummy troubles at all.   It still has the off protein kinda flavor, but that is easily hide-able.  With a handful of fruit, some ice, a tablespoon of agave, and some almond milk we've got roughly 225 calories of yum.  I think this my be my solution, but I'm going to keep trying and reviewing anyway!!  4.5 out of 5 stars.

I have to lower the IsoPure rating from 4.5 to a 4 because the Syntrax Nectar Unflavored tastes so much better.  No protieny flavor to hide it is just yum!

Vega Complete Whole Food Optimizer - Berry

I can describe this protien in one word. Green.  In a sentence, It tastes like grass.  Smoother texture than the Amazing Grass, but same problem.  I don't want a protein shake that tastes like grass.  1.5 out of 5 Stars.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Amazing Grass Amazing Green

Well, if you would like to clean out your colon I have a meal replacement shake for you.  Heavens gracious it is green stuff!!! To get it to taste good one would have to mix it with apple or pear juice, or something else sweet which would defeat the purpose of a meal replacement.  It is grass, they are not joking!!! It also has a less than delightful grainy texture.  Like swallowing down whole psyllum husks.  No good for a meal replacement, but maybe a cleanse from time to time...  lol 1 out of 5 stars.

Tummy troubles...

So I went in ant talked to the doctor today, not only to fill out my psych evaluation but I am having tummy troubles.  The awful cramps from all these protien shakes.  The doctor gave me permission to make my own shakes.  I have decided to look into other brands and solutions.  I am currently looking into some other proteins from whole foods, and especially looking into unflavored proteins.  Maybe I will make my own shakes.  I want fresh berries and real nut milk homemade...  all these artificial flavorings are making me feel sick!!!  Thank goodness Grandma Karen has a Vitamix.  Off to bed, goodnight all!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Chike Nutrition Strawberry and Chocolate Review

So here we go.  With all of the Isopure shakes, I have noticed no matter what I mix them with they gave me a belly ache.  (I will review the Chocolate Mint Isopure later.)  This morning Shelley and I split two shakes from Chike Nutrition.  All I have to say is ick!  The aftertaste outweighs any of its good points.  We made it in unsweetened almond milk with ice, and the aftertaste was awful!  Which is too bad because once you get it in you there are no nasty burps, and it doesn't upset my tummy like the isopure has been.  I give it 1.5 out of 5 stars, because I can't handle the nasty aftertaste.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Trolling the web for support groups for me... I found an amazing thing.  There is a website for people just like me who are having or who have had the same surgery I am having.  I guess I never thought I would find a place with people I could talk to about my health problems and situation.  I'm having a rough patch right now in my preparation for surgery.  Despite the fact that this surgery has been a though on the table for many years certain members of my family are discouraging me.  I wish they could understand my point of view.  After all this time, all this extra weight I have carried  I just want it to go away.  I know it will not be easy, that this is just a new tool in my battle with weight.  I just feel that now is the time for me.  After all the attempts I have made, I just want this monster inside of me to go away.  The never satiated, never satisfied gaping maw inside of me needs to go away.  I've given up soda, and caffeine too,  I'm sure these changes have to have taken effect, but it is never enough.  Cut out this, stop eating that, the only thing that worked ever was the summer I didn't eat for two months straight except when watched.  Even then I was still overweight in a baby fat 20lbs over sort of way.  I'm sick of fighting.  I want to wake up in the morning and see beauty, instead of a few pretty features buried behind mounds of fat.  I hunger to be thin and beautiful.  It may be vain and horrible, but that is what I want....  That's all for tonight. Goodnight and blessed be!!!

The great message board community I was talking about at the beginning of the post is !

Monday, February 14, 2011

Isopure Zero Carb Alpine Punch

So, after the sugar incident on Saturday (my sugar went through the roof because I didn't eat any carbs for breakfast) I have decided that it may be better if I do the Isopure mixed with something, because I need a little carb for breakfast.  Little did I know that the berries I threw in this morning were just what the Isopure needs to taste good.  Some tart berries, I used dole berry antioxidant mix with pomegranate, cut the over sweet taste that the Isopure tends towards and made a wonderful shake.  So, yes I know that leads to extra calories, but I don't care, best protein drink ever.  No after taste no nothing.  I give the Alpine Punch with berries mixed in a 3.5 out of 5 stars.

17 days till surgery.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Isopure Zero Carb Pineapple Orange Banana

I figure while I'm going through this process I may as well share my product experiences as well.  My doctor sells to types of protein shakes,  Bariatric Advantage and Isopure.  As some of you know one of my friends had the surgery in December, and she's been drinking Isopure so I thought I would give it a try.  I found a company on ebay that sells three 3 lb buckets for $110 including shipping, and they were quick!  I ordered on tuesday, and it got here yesterday!  So this morning for breakfast I mixed one up.  My first impression was that it is really sweet.  I think in future I may water it down a bit more.  It is definitely a flavor for banana lovers.  Honestly I would not even go on the pretense that it had other flavors in it.  I would totally recommend  it for a banana lover though.  It's not especially chalky, and the after taste is no worse than any other splenda containing product.  Plus you get 50 grams of protein out of the deal, with no carbs.  I give this product 2.5 out if 5 stars, and I am looking forward to finding my flavor!  Have a great Saturday All!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

In the beginning...

I guess I'm starting a journey.  To make it short and sweet I am a 5'11ish chick, I weigh 296lbs and I should weigh between 155 and 176.    I'm married and I have one son.   I've always been overweight... always as in the first time I remember weighing in and realizing how much I weighed I was a 210lb 8th grader.  Like many of the other chubby kids growing up I had endless bad childhood and teenage experiences, not that I want to talk about them, but I guess that's part of my background info.  I've tried almost every diet under the sun.  Weight Watchers, Atkins, South Beach, shakes, pills, and everything in between.  Back and forth up and down and every size in between.  I have decided that it is finally time to take out the big guns.  Get a tool, even a weapon to fight the disease of obesity.  On March 4, 2011 I will be undergoing a procedure called a sleeve gastrectomy.  Basically I'm getting my stomach cut down from many ounce size to four ounces.  To get myself started on my journey,  I am changing my diet in steps.  Next week begins phase one, carbohydrate elimination.  Also tomorrow morning I go in to see my general care doc to get my pre-surgical  clearance done. But that's a story for tomorrow.  As for today I am 100lbs or so overweight.  The size of a teenage girl, so that's my goal.  I wanna loose a whole person or three whole Tommy's depending how you look at it.  Wish me luck and pray for me... I need all the good thoughts and feelings I can get.
Blessed be,